
DO: Make "Back to School" Special

I love traditions, I love school, I love fall...so you've got to know, I love BACK TO SCHOOL time!  My kids are homeschooled, but we take the summer off and they also attend a co-op...so on the first day of co-op (when we "officially" begin our year), we do regular back-to-school things too! Here are a few fun and creative ideas on how you can make this back-to-school time a little more special for your little one. Enjoy all these great ideas!


What a great way for little ones to enjoy the countdown to school! Little prizes (i.e. school supplies) can be wrapped in the tubes for each day. 

My neighbor makes home made, delicious carmel rolls on the first day back to school. Here is a great recipe...I think it is great because it is an overnight recipe (so that means you don't have to be up at 4 a.m. making breakfast!!) 

My kids are small, so I would like something geared a little younger (and have something that will give them a little protein for the rest of their day :) These are actually grilled cheese sandwiches. But, I plan on making the cone out of waffles, topping it with bananas, then using nutella as the chocolate topping. I will do bacon as the cross sections on top of the waffle. Fun! There are endless variations!! You could even use yogurt as the ice cream portion as well. 

Back to School Pics
Make sure you capture the first day of school each year with a photo! 
This was one (of the hundred's! :) of last year's photos of Israel and Bella. 

This year, I found these cute printables that I will be having the kids hold, during their pictures. You print out the individual sign on cardstock, then glue it to a tongue depresser...ready made sign...and you won't forget what grade they were going in! BONUS! Can't wait to see how these turn out!

And why not have the "Back-to-school" fairy come for a visit? Fill a simple paper bag with a school journal (or anything you would like!), write on the bag with your left hand and tie it up with a cute little red ribbon. Leave it at your front door...have the kids answer the door after the doorbell rings mysteriously! What fun!

I love 'em and hate 'em! :) I love how nutritious the meals look. I hate how time consuming it looks to make them. But, if you want to send your kids with interesting, healthy food, it is totally the way to go. Tons of great ideas of the web. Here is a few of my favorites (that don't look so labor intensive!) The website is full of great ideas, resources and recipes to get you going on your "bento" lunches. But, they can be as simple as the bento below...a boiled egg, sandwich cut up into a cute shape, darling little fruits and veggies. Easy & healthy!

Sorry these are so small...pinterest went down right when I was trying to post!  But...you get the idea :) 

God bless you all on your BTS adventures this fall! If you are looking for more BTS ideas and resources, click on the "back-to-school" label for additional posts! Enjoy!

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