
READ: "Heaven is for Real", but do Christians still think so?

I began reading this book on the recommendation of my hairdresser. Yep, I am a Pastor and still need good recommendations! :) And, I am so glad I listened to her. I have enjoyed the book tremendously, it is well written, humorous and extremely authentic (even when it places the dad in not the most flattering light). It tells the story of four-year old, Colton who became sick on a family vacation. His parents and then the doctors misdiagnosing his early symptoms...which in turn, put his life in jeopardy. As a parent of two young children, I know that fear firsthand. How many times have I waited too long to go the doctor, only to be told, my child has a double ear infection and is in great pain. The next time they have a sniffle, I am so gun shy, I take them in and they don't even have a temperature! 

This book has opened up a subject, that for me has been very un-P.C. I don't know why the subject of HEAVEN has become so unpopular in our culture and even in our post-modern church culture. I feel like the church has given in to the taunts of the world and society...and stopped talking about our greatest hope. Yes, I believe that when you live for God, you in return get the best life HERE - the most fulfilled life. He redeems our lives and makes them full of purpose, joy and love. But, that doesn't take away from the joy that we have to look forward to or our promise of heaven.

So, why don't we talk about it? Does it seem to us to be foolish? Do we want to sound intellectual, so we don't talk about a "pie in the sky" promise? When we don't talk about what it will really be like, then those who haven't read the scriptures, reduce it to an eternity of boring church services...with harps.  

Even if you don't take it to that extreme, I think we, as the church, has reduced it in our minds to a one-dimentional place. Worshipping God with other saints and the angels. That's about depth that we take it to. Take a look around at the BEAUTY that God created. Do we really think that He would do less for our eternal home, than for our temporary home? 

I am continually awestruck by the beauty and majesty of God's creative genius in creation. And it isn't just the Grand Canyon or the Rocky Mountains that I am struck by...it is the snow covered, bare branched trees on my street after a snowstorm. It is the fat pink flowers on the Magnolia tree, that blooms every spring behind my house. It is sweetness of a baby and the playfulness of a dog. All of it cries out God's creativity. 

I for one, am so looking forward to heaven. It isn't going to be a place where we don't know anyone or have relationships. No, we will have deeper relationships and understanding than we have ever experienced on this earth. We will enjoy the great presence of God. Will we ever know all that God is, even in heaven? I don't think, we as created beings, can ever really plumb the depths of God...there will be more to discover than we can in an eternity. I'm looking forward to heaven. I'm looking forward to sitting at Jesus' feet. I want to see his eyes of tenderness for His creation. I want to know a God who created this majesty. As the scripture says, now, we see as through a glass darkly, but then face to face. I am excited for the face to face. 

If you want to learn more on the subject, a great resource is Randy Alcorn's, Heaven. He is one of the leading apologists on the subject today. Also, Randy Alcorn has a ministry blog that is really an incredible read...Eternal Perspective Ministries Blog

God bless you today...may you too begin looking forward to an ETERNAL REWARD. It will be beyond your wildest dreams. 

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